Seal Of Approval


Just a quick doodle! Hope you all like it. 


See those Like, Share and Comment buttons below? They like to be clicked. They say it tickles. Tickles lead to giggles. And giggles lead to happiness. Make those buttons happy!

You’re not related, are you?

Ant-Aunt (33) FINAL

I’m back! I’m afraid I can’t promise regular posts this time around (but I’m glad I finally got around to illustrating again). You have no clue how many ideas I’ve had for Louis and Mel since last year! Hope you like this one.

How do you pronounce “aunt”? Let us know in the comments below and don’t to forget to like and share!

Sorry. Sorry a million times.

I made a promise. I broke that promise.

I am sorry I haven’t posted in a while, for two reasons: first of all, I apologize to you guys because I’m no longer sharing my comics with you on a regular basis (even though I said I would). And then secondly I feel sorry for myself because I love drawing comics and showing them to whoever is willing to read them.

The reason I haven’t been drawing/posting is because school has started up again and I’ve found myself swamped with work. I decided academic success was more important to me than keeping up with a hobby.

Anyway, I do promise to continue drawing and I will post comics whenever I have the opportunity. In the meantime, please enjoy this measly drawing I created with Paint.


Thanks for putting up with all this.

Shameless Promotion – Book Launch



In Through a Coloured Lens:  Selected Columns from Ten Years of Opinionating

by Pat Watson

comes on out Amazon Kindle

September 17th 2013.

End of shameless promotion. Comics will be back up shortly.

I’ll be back…

”You left!”

”You said you’d come back but it’s been nearly a month!”

”What’s going on?!”


Well, I’ve been busy being lazy during my last month off this summer. Sorry about that. I hope to be posting comics again within a week, however I’ll be back in school by then (which means I’ll have much less free time). I’m hoping my schoolwork won’t impede on my posting schedule, but I promise not to post less than a comic a week.

Cheers and see you all soon!


– Dr. Fuzz

Wherefore art thou?

Wondering why there weren’t any new comics on Saturday or Wednesday (or any other day, for that matter)? Well the thing is that I’m in the middle of moving right now which means my scanner is in a box somewhere… which means my comics can’t make it from paper to screen. I’m still drawing though, so as soon as I’m settled into my new place I’ll have those comics coloured and posted in no time! Apologies.


Pizza (32) PNG

I’m surprised it hasn’t gone stale after all those years! Have any of you ever visited the leaning tower of Pisa? I went when I was quite young so I don’t remember much.

Like, comment, share and follow. Grazie.

July 2nd, 1990

Mice Baby (31) - 2 PNG

If you’re not sure what this refers to, click here to see Vanilla Ice’s #1 hit, Ice Ice Baby. Talk about a blast from the past!

Like Like Baby. No, but seriously: I’d like it if you’d like this post. Then comment, share and follow!

Gotta Get Your Calcium

Milkshake (30) PNG

That cow can moove! Now excuse me while I go make myself a nice, cold and creamy refreshing drink. What do you guys prefer? Vanilla or chocolate?

Quick, I need you to do me a favour! Like, comment, share and follow!

Old MacDonald

Animal (23) -1 PNG correctionWord play on the novel Animal Farm by George Orwell

Charmed, I’m sure. Hope you are enjoying the Twisted Title series (I know I am).

As usual, don’t be afraid to like, comment, share and follow!

Hot n Cold

Heights (24) - 2Word play on the novel Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë

Speaking of the weather, hope you are enjoying your summer or your winter (depending on where you are on this planet). Has anyone read Wuthering Heights? Is it somewhat interesting? I have it on my bookshelf but haven’t opened it yet.

Go ahead, like this post! Share it with friends! Comment on it, too. Follow the blog while you’re at it!


Nuns (22) PNGWord play on the novel And then there were none by Agatha Christie

Boy do I love puns. Is it bad that I laugh hysterically at my own jokes? Probably is. Forget I mentioned it.

Do you like the post? Why not show the world? Click ‘Like’. I won’t mind if you also click ‘Follow’.


French Toast (25) PNG

Have you had your petit déjeuner yet? Remember, it’s the most important repas of the day! In fact, today’s post inspired me to have french toast for breakfast this morning.

Like, share, comment, follow. It’s easy!

A furry affair

Alpaca Llama (18)

Can you tell I’m a fan of really bad puns yet? Also, I hope the llama looks like one. I only checked what they actually look like after I had drawn the comic so I hope it doesn’t take away from the joke.

Louis and Mel are counting on your likes, comments, shares and follows!

I lost my comb

Bad Hair Day (17)

Don’t you hate when you’re in a rush and have no time to fix your hair? Or have you ever had a cowlick that you could simply not get rid of? Tell us your stories in the comments! Hopefully your situation was never as bad as the one above!

Don’t be afraid to like and share the post! Want more comics? Follow the blog!

(P.S.: click to enlarge image)

She’s got a problem

Hoarder on the Orient Express (20) PNGWord play on Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie

Not sure if I’m depicting kleptomania or hoarding here. Oh well, as long as you get the pun!

Go ahead, don’t be shy: like the post. Comment on it, too. If you’re feeling adventurous you can share this comic strip. If you’re truly brave, you can go all the way and follow this blog!

Bonne Saint-Jean for those in Quebec!

Sorry just won’t cut it

Pyjama Day (16) PNGEver accidentally insult someone? You know, one of those situations where you just can’t back out of it and sorry will never be enough? Tell me about it in the comments!

♪ I like to like it like it, I like to share it share it, I like to… comment! ♫ I like to follow too.


P.S.: click for a larger and clearer image

Ay ay ay

Pinata (15) PNG

Blindfold a child. Give him or her a stick. Instruct the kid to hit as hard as he or she can in the direction of an object that is now invisible to him or her  – but only once you’ve spun the poor thing around and around until dizziness has settled in.

Yup, sounds like a great idea to me!

Follow Louis and Mel for bi-weekly comic strips and pun strips. You can also like and share posts, as well as comment on them.

P.S.: I suggest you click on the strip to get a larger image (that way you can see more of the details I worked so hard on)



I got another award. I can’t believe it. By the way, I hope these «people like my blog… they actually like my blog!» posts aren’t getting bothersome for you. This time, I’ve been nominated by mummyflyingsolo for a Super Sweet Blogging Award! I’d like to give her a heartfelt thank you for thinking of Louis and Mel. Also, I recommend you check out her own blog as she regularly makes enjoyable and informative posts about her experience as a single mom.

These awards always come with rules so here they are:

  • thank the Super Sweet Blogger that nominated you.
  • answer 5 Super Sweet questions.
  • include the Super Sweet Blogging Award in your blog post.
  • nominate a baker’s dozen (13) other deserving bloggers.
  • notify your Super Sweet nominees on their blog.

The five super sweet questions:

  • Cookies or Cake? Both?  Cookies.
  • Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla.
  • Favorite Sweet Treat? I don’t have favourites… I like a lot of things and I simply would rather not rank them.
  • When Do You Crave Sweet Things The Most? When I’m awake.
  • Sweet Nick Name? Don’t have one. Fuzzy nickname? Dr. Fuzz.

And the nominations are (in no particular order):

  1. The Stuff in the Margin
  2. 1037
  3. Angry Pear
  4. Zooky World
  5. Chowon Sung
  6. Doodlemum
  7. Sketches From Memory
  8. The World’s Top 10 of Anything and Everything
  9. What I Say and Think Should Be the Same Thing
  10. Cristina’s Mug of Thoughts
  11. The Amazing Comics Men
  12. Mister G Kids
  13. Natalie Kay-Es-El

I strongly suggest you check out each and every one of these blogs, I find them all highly entertaining.

I’m starving here!

The Hunger Blames (19) PNGWord play on The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

You may have noticed I started a series called Twisted Titles. In it I’ll illustrate a punny twist on the title of a well known work of art – a book, a movie or a painting for example. Hope you guys enjoy the first three, as there are many more to come. If you’ve missed any, go ahead and check out the Twisted Titles category which you can access from the sidebar.

Feel free to like this post, comment on this post, share this post and follow this blog!

Hell… oh

Church (14) PNG

This one required quite a bit of work to draw the church on fire. I’m not very good at drawing flames and it took me a good amount of time to figure out how to get that orange-y glow. I hope it looks good to you.

Like. Comment. Share. Follow!

It happened again!

I am extremely grateful that I have acquired such wonderful followers. Seven Legged Express Journey has nominated me for a (second) Leibster Award. I highly recommend you check out their blog, as their comics make for a delightful read.


I’m having trouble nominating other blogs as there are many out there and I am am not aware of them all. Therefore I’m asking you to make the nominations for me! If there’s an up-and-coming blog you’re enjoying (or if you think your blog deserves recognition), share it with us in the comments.

Thanks again to Seven Legged Express Journey and to all of you. I hope to be entertaining you for a long time to come!

Fiesta Time

The Great Catsby (16) PNGWord play on the novel The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald.

Anyone see the movie? How was it? I’m in the process of reading the book and so far, so good.

Like! Comment! Share! Follow!

The longest post

A big thank you  to Strawberry Squeeze for nominating Louis and Mel for the Liebster Award.

Apparently there are rules attached to the reception of such an award, the latter being:

  • This award is given to new or up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers.
  • The award is then passed along to other bloggers in the same category to help spread the word and support one another.
  • Each blogger should post 11 random facts about themselves (Eleven! That’s a lot!).
  • Answer the questions the tagger has set for you, then create 11 new questions for the bloggers you pass the award to.
  • Choose 5 new bloggers (with less than 200 followers) to pass the award to and link them in your post.
  • Go back to their page and tell them about the award.
  • No tag backs.

Eleven facts about me:

  • I can put my right foot in my mouth – well, not the whole foot. Perhaps a few centimetres beyond my toes.
  • I climbed up a tree in flip flops recently. A great achievement, I know.
  • I am fluent in English and French y puedo hablar un poco de Español.
  • I’ve visited twenty countries by my count. Not bad, eh?
  • My knees crack every time I bend down.
  • I have a rather weak gag reflex, which is one of the many reasons why my dentist loves me.
  • I have taught myself to play both the piano and the ukulele.
  • I’ve lived in three countries.
  • I once stood up on a toilet to talk to my friend on the other side of the stall (as we always did in elementary school) and my foot slipped into the toilet bowl. I sloshed back to class, very embarrassed.
  • I’m very good at archery.
  • I enjoy holding my breath and lying at the bottom of pools to look up at the sky/ceiling.

My nominations (in no particular order) are:
SanterreComique                                                                                                                                  Of Mice and Blob Monsters
Le Blog de Frank Loon
Saint-Nicolas on the web!

Here are the questions Strawberry Squeeze answered:

1. If you could have any animal as a pet what would it be?
A mild, tamed and harmless platypus.

2. What is your worst cooking disaster?
I set myself on fire while cooking spaghetti. Don’t ask.

3. What is your favourite song? 
I don’t have a favourite anything but currently I am enjoying The Things I’ve Done by Grøenland.

4. What is the most exciting thing you’ve ever done?
Experiencing weightlessness. That was AWESOME.

5. Who is your favourite athlete?
I don’t have favourites! Sigh… Let’s call it a three-way tie between Usain Bolt, Novak Djokovic and P. K. Subban.

6. Describe yourself in 5 words:  
This is not a question. NEXT!

7. If you had a time machine where would you go?
I would go to wherever Nikola Tesla was at the time and attempt to have a coherent conversation with him. Then I’d find Edison and smack him.

8. What’s your favourite sport to watch?
Any sport that I am attending and viewing live is my favourite sport to watch.

9. If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would it be and why?
Costa Rica. I’ve always wanted to go.

10. What’s your favourite colour?  
Turquoise, more green than blue.

11. What’s your favourite quote?   
“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”
― Dr. Seuss, Happy Birthday to You!


Found it (11) PNG

Can’t say that doesn’t look painful… Also, I’m not sure I would use that fork again.

On a side note, this is the most elaborate drawing I’ve done so far for a strip (as well all the most elaborate colour work). Usually I find that any background details take away from the simplicity of the joke but in this case I believe it was necessary to render it fully.

♪ Follow me, and you’ll see a world of pure imagination! ♫ You can also like, share and comment.


Brownies (5) PNG

SURPRISE! It’s a Monday post! I’m going to post off schedule occasionally just to give this blog an unexpected side – an element of surprise, shall we say?

Hope you weren’t eating while reading this one. If you were, sorry about that.

As always, don’t be shy: like, comment, follow and share!

Wax or shave?

Unibrow (8) PNG

Let’s hope her name isn’t Ms. Bush!

In case you haven’t noticed yet, I’m sticking to posting on Wednesdays and Saturdays so that’s when you can expect to see new comic strips. Don’t forget to like, comment and share!

Don’t you see baby, this is perfection

9 (3) PNG

I drew this in math class a few years ago. Actually, I come up with most of my first comic strips in class. Just goes to show you how boredom can bring out creativity! Here’s the song this strip refers to.

Don’t forget to like, comment and share — but most importantly, have a nice day!

A Doodle

The Bird is the Word2 PNG

I hope the weather’s nice wherever you are! Here’s wishing you a wonderful day.

Did this pun make you groan or laugh? Don’t be afraid to like, share, comment and follow.

The Red and The Green

Grape Expectations2

Here’s the first comic strip! I hope you enjoy it, feel free to leave a comment down below. Remember, I’ll only start posting more in May so hold on to your shorts and don’t hesitate to revisit this page daily to laugh at this strip some more. Also, don’t forget to like and share!


Welcome to Louis and Mel!

Le Louis and Le Mel (2)

I’ve set up this blog today out of sheer procrastination. I am a student and still have some final exams to study for so I’m afraid I won’t be posting anything until my summer break begins in May. But fear not, I’m starting you off with a comic strip tomorrow. In the mean time, I guess you’ll have to twiddle your thumbs as you anxiously await the best illustrated funnies you’ll ever see.